Daydream Festival, BELGIUM

11 & 12 April 2014

Lommel, Belgium


“Have you ever dreamed with your eyes open? At Daydream Festival magical thoughts are realized, come to life and these inspirations expand boundaries. During this daydream the sky is the limit and time cannot be controlled. After 8 years, Daydream Festival continued in The Netherlands. The festival is known for its theatrical decors and good atmosphere and was therefore nominated for Best Newcomer at the European Dance Awards. Every year the festival expands rapidly, either in number of stages and attendance. The most important elements of realizing this imaginable dream are appearance and decoration of the festival, for the reason that the visitor should really experience an actual daydream. This can only be achieved if the visitor experiences that wow-effect during the day. Letting go of reality and accomplishing the feeling of having an unforgettable dream at Daydream Festival!“
Par-T, organisation of Daydream Festival


    Client; Par-T BV

    • Coordination, preparation & project management of all decor related aspects
    • Design and elaboration of 9 stages (excl. mainstage)
    • Design and elaboration of most site objects & activities
    • Routing and mapping of all stages and facilities
    • On site manager & constructor